Love is what many of us seek the most.
There are many theories on how to improve one’s love life. There are many wonderful love & relationship coaches.
There are teachings stating that it is enough to “simply focus on what you want”. Knowing what you want is definitely great. A positive focus and positive mantras may take you very far.
Having said that, one’s love life may be strongly influenced or blocked by family patterns, symptoms & energy blockages.
This online course (retreat) aims at clearing, releasing & healing patterns, symptoms & energy blockages to your love life – in you & your family history.
Clearing, releasing & healing some soul love lessons & karmic lessons are included as a bonus.
The Follow Up sessions will be recorded. They will support those attending and anyone listening to the recordings later. Q&A will be included within the given time frame.
Some topics are (copyright 2023):
Stating what you do want.
Loving every part of yourself
clearing unexplained and repetitive patterns first seen within a love relationship
clearing unexplained and repetitive patterns first seen with a specific love partner
clearing blockages to love between generations
strengthening the flow of love between generations of women in one's family line
clearing jealousy from a mother towards her daughter will improve the daugther's possibilities of a happy love life
clearing the negative influences due to a mother's unequal treatment of a daughter compared to another sibling/other sibling(s) will improve the daugther's possibilities of a happy love life
clearing psychological, physical, emotional, financial, sexual abuse from a mother towards her daughter will help improve the daugther's possiblities of a happy love life
clearing blocked love between a mother & her daughter will improve the daugther's possibilities of a happy love life
clearing psychological, physical, emotional, financial, sexual abuse from a father towards his daughter will help improve the daugther's possiblities of a happy love life
strengthening the flow of love between generations of men in one's family line
clearing jealousy from a father towards his son will improve the son's possibilities of a happy love life
clearing the negative influences due to a father's unequal treatment of a son compared to another sibling/other sibling(s) will improve the son's possibilities of a happy love life
clearing psychological, physical, emotional, financial, sexual abuse from a father towards her son will help improve the son's possiblities of a happy love life
clearing blocked love between a father & his son will improve the son's possibilities of a happy love life
clearing psychological, physical, emotional, financial, sexual abuse from a mother towards her son will help improve the son's possiblities of a happy love life
clearing psychological, physical, emotional, financial, sexual abuse from a sibling/siblings will help improve one's possiblities of a happy love life
clearing psychological, physical, emotional, financial, sexual abuse from a other family member/family members will help improve one's possiblities of a happy love life
clearing the symptoms of being excluded isolated from other family members help improve one's possiblities of a happy love life
clearing psychological, physical, emotional, financial, sexual abuse from peers growing up will help improve one's possiblities of a happy love life
clearing psychological, physical, emotional, financial, sexual combined abuse from parents & sibling & the larger family will help improve one's possiblities of a happy love life
clearing psychological, physical, emotional, financial, sexual combined abuse from parents & sibling & the larger family with friends will help improve one's possiblities of a happy love life
clearing psychological, physical, emotional, financial, sexual combined abuse from parents & sibling & the larger family with friends & business partners will help improve one's possiblities of a happy love life
become a vibrational match to that which you want
climbing up the emotional ladder in yourself
climbing up the emotional ladder in a relationship
seeing what is working & acknowledging your partner's love language
clearing patterns from a prior relationship to allow a fresh start with a new love
clearing patterns from a prior marriage to allow a fresh start with a new husband/wife
clearing "a pattern of blocked communication"
clearing "a pattern of quarreling"
clearing "a pattern of finding love and loosing love"
clearing " a pattern of a blocked sex life"
clearing psychological, physical, emotional, financial, sexual abuse prior to a relationship, in a relationship and after a relationship
clearing infidelity
clearing "a pattern of staying unmarried"
clearing "a pattern of being used for sex and then dumped"
clearing "a pattern of unhappy marriage leading to divorce"
clearing "a pattern of short lived marriage leading to divorce
clearing symptoms leading to divorce
acknowledging prior wife(s)/husband(s) to your current love partner
getting "on the same page" as your partner
clearing unexplained and repetitive patterns first seen after pregnancy
clearing "a pattern of other family members intruding on your love relationship"
healing after an abortion & the effects of an abortion on a love relationship, family and life
healing grief and the many symptoms caused by " the loss of a love life partner/husband/wife"
Clearing “any negative influences and symptoms caused by an earlier love partner/partners to a parent/grand parent/great grand parent”
clearing the influences of a wicked step parent trying to block love
clearing the influences of love secrets & other family secrets affecting one's love life
clearing the effects of lies on one's love life
healing after negative influences/abuse caused by friends/business relations of your previous "love partner" - purposely underminding you/damaging your reputation/ dictating you how to live life/abusing you (psychologically, emotionally, physically, financially)/purposely attacking your role as a parent (Oh! I do have experience to share! With the arrival of "The Transparency Act" in Norway, many of them may lose their jobs and "innocence". I bet they would rather pay damages!)
techniques to avoid quarrelling (BONUS)
mantras & prayers to clear negative energy (several - according to your beliefs) (BONUS)
trust & integrity. Re-establishing trust (BONUS)
connecting you with you ( & your energy source) (BONUS)
arriving at knowing whom you are. Do not negociate whom you are (BONUS)
releasing karmic lessons with your love partner(s) (BONUS)
releasing soul lessons with your love partner(s) (BONUS)
Your teacher, Jeannette, has been into holistic health, wellbeing, diagnosis, awareness, movement, symptoms, energy work and more for 30 pluss years. She has much experience in finding the root cause of an issue, symptom, pattern, family pattern, trauma pattern, energy blockage, mystery etc. She has been trained in many healing arts and within holisitc health, chinese medicine, acupuncture, trauma treatment, taiji, meditation, yoga, movement, healing, family constellations, organisational constellations etc. Her ability to help people heal patterns, symptoms and energy blockages has evolved far beyond what she has been taught. Her strong clairvyonce, clairaudience and clearkinestetics are of great benefit when helping people - and - in developing new ways of healing patterns, symptoms and energy blockages. She can see previous generations & "the other side" which is of great help when healing family & trauma patterns. She uses her abilities in pro bono work globally - and has helped solve many mysteries globally - without having to travel! You are in good hands.