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Clear Your Blockages, Pains, Issues, Symptoms, Emotional Suffering, Family Patterns, Trauma Patterns,  Abundance Patterns - Across All Time Lines, Past Lives & Present Life Time. Jeannette is excellent at many healing arts, diagnosis on many levels, Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Taiji, Healing, Meditation, Trauma Treatment, Nutritional Healing, Movement etc. She has strong psychic abilities and sees the root cause of your situation across all time lines. She also sees "the other side" and previous generations - which is helpful when clearing the root cause of  symptoms, patterns, issues, problems, challenges, crisis, blockages, repetitive Family patterns,  etc.


Jeannette has done & does a lot of pro bono work globally. Your payment will support - among others - her helping find missing people globally.


Private Session With Jeannette. 2 Hours Online 


Blossom with
The Inspirational Happiness

The Cherry Blossom Online Retreat Will be Available as a Digital Product Soon!

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