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The 21 Day Breath Challenge

  • 21 Days
  • 21 Steps


Your 21 Day Breath Sanctuary (Online Challenge). Helpful before Giving Birth too! Starting Soon! This online course aims to help you experience the many benefits of improved breathing. Breathing properly can truly improve your quality of life, your energy levels, your health, emotional & physcial wellbeing. Knowing how to breath can help you give birth much more easily. Breathing is also important in regards to pain management. Your teacher, Jeannette, has been into wellness, meditation, health and awareness for 30 years. She has both taught and participated in very many workshops internationally. Jeannette is trained in many healing arts; among others meditation, yoga, taiji, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, BUQI, trauma therapy, healing, nutrition. And more. Jeannette attended Lamaze training during the pregnancy of her son and chose to use Lamaze instead of medication during birth. Jeannette found her taiji training most helpful during birth too.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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