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Healing Grief Retreat. Your 90 Day Challenge

  • 27 Steps


Although grieving takes time, this 90 Day Healing Grief Challenge aims to overcome grief much sooner than if left unaddressed or unchallenged. Grieving is a highly personal process. For most people the symptoms of grief start to decrease as time passes. Yet, for some the feeling of intense grief does not decline. Their symptoms are so strong that they may feel completely blocked from continuing living their lives. Prolonged grief disorder is when grief becomes disabling and affects daily functioning to a level which "normal grieving" does not. Grieving becomes more difficult for individuals where family members are the cause of a loss or do nothing to support the grieving family member. Also, the lack of supportive friends and/or network will not easen the grieving. Abusive ex partners with friends who deliberately cause problems may be an important sourse of prolonged grief disorder. Under the new Transparency Act in Norway, their abuse may be used against them and eventually get them fired. At least, force them to pay damages. This retreat is to help individuals suffering from Prolonged Grief Disorder due to having lost their loved one; be it their parent whilst being a child, their child or teen, a sibling, a husband, wife, father, mother, friend, anyone dear. The Norwegian "Child "Welfare" Service" steals children & causes much grieving. Your teacher, Jeannette, has 30 years of genuine interest in wellbeing & holistic health. And is trained in many ways.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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