Your Space Clearing & Clutter Clearing Challenge (Online Course) (30 days – 180 days). Starting Soon! This online course aims to teach you how to space clear, clutter clear & how to tidy. Your teacher – Jeannette has been fond of tidying & clutter clearing since she was a child. Jeannette has been into holistic health since 1990. Jeannette has been into space clearing since about 1998. Jeannette has always seen “the other side” and can clear haunted space and land. * Some topics included are: How to space clear How to clutter clear How to tidy Is your home in need of space clearing? clutter clearing? Are you in need of a “fresh start” in the home you have stayed in and wish to continue living in? Do you feel stuck in your life and need to move forward? It may well be, that space clearing and clutter clearing are exactly what you need in ordet to carve out your life path ahead. Are you unsure whether you wish to stay in your current home or move? Have you just moved somewhere and wish to have a “fresh” start in your new home? Are you building a new home on “old land” with previous building sites? It may be an excellent idea to bless the previous owners and inhabitors of your home and land. In that way you clear the space for your life and future developments. Jeannette can assist you in doing that. Starting soon! * Jeannette can assist you in clutter clearing, space clearing & help in clearing haunted space and land. See additional services.
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app